Monday, May 25, 2020

The Two-Faced Character Polonius Essay - 868 Words

Polonius played a vital role in Hamlet even though he was not one of the main characters. He continued to reinforce the theme of corruption and displayed the social and ethical collapse of Denmark. His deceitful actions show the reader that he is one of dishonesty and chicanery. In the play, Polonius was portrayed as someone who is a deceiver and pretender that betrays people he is supposed to be devoted to; and who only cares about things that will benefit him. These characteristics of Polonius are seen through his interactions with Ophelia, Hamlet, Laertes, Reynaldo and the King. Polonius can be depicted as two faced. This is evident with his interactions with the King. Polonius was loyal and faithful to King Hamlet, Gertrude, and†¦show more content†¦He does not care about her emotions, as he shows no comfort after heartbreaking confrontation with Hamlet. He also uses Ophelia to test Hamlets sanity for the benefit of himself and King Claudius. Moreover, Polonius has Laertes spied on. He convinces himself that it is righteous. Yet, he is controlling the situation for the good of himself. Polonius had an evil plot. Polonius always spies on others to gain secret and private information. Polonius and Claudius together, work against Hamlet, and try to verify his sanity. Polonius performs as if he would do anything that Claudius asks of him, or anything that satisfies Claudius. Polonius willingly uses his daughter to assist Claudius in their plot against Hamlet. He even plans to ruin his son Laertes’ reputation and drive him from Denmark. Despite Polonius’ death, his unethical ways are still evident through Claudius’s actions. Claudius requests that Laertes fight with Hamlet, and he tries to poison him. Polonius shows the need to manipulate a situation regardless if it concerns him or not. This is especially seen through the relationship with his children. 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