Thursday, December 26, 2019

A Critical Study of Theravada Buddhism in Myanmar and Environmental Ethics - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2114 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/07/01 Category Religion Essay Level High school Tags: Buddhism Essay Did you like this example? CHAPTER I Introduction 1.1 Background and Significance of the Problems The existence and development of human world as well as the historical process of man and woman is mainly created by the public who are working with endeavor. So, the principle of human history is the people who are working. Past history is the lessons for present and present is for future ones. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A Critical Study of Theravada Buddhism in Myanmar and Environmental Ethics" essay for you Create order Without studying history, one cannot understand the real situation of country and people. History actually cannot give us a program for the future, but it can give us a fuller understanding of ourselves, and our common community. According to the saying of Robert Penn Warren, it cannot be deniable that studying history of country or religion can make people understand the good and bad beneficiaries of history concerned and they are managed to construct their lives better for their future. The topic I have chosen for my Ph.D degree is focus on the historical research concerning with Konbaung empire. When studying the historical background of Konbaung dynasty in brief, there appears the problems and research questions as follow: How did the Buddhism relate with Konbaung period? Is Buddhism really flourished in Myanmar and especially in that epoch? How did Buddhism spread and flourish in that era? Why did Konbaung heirs conclude under British? In what way did it influence the people in Myanmar in the field of environmental ethics? 1.2 Objectives of the research It is undeniable that to study history of Burma is nothing but to study the history of the teachings of the Buddha. This tendency could be exercised on the life of the Burmese people in the past or in the present. This projected study emphasises on history of Burma and the role of the Buddhist monks in Myanmar. The aims and objectives of this thesis are as under: To give the material of the policy on the tactic of several dynasties in Burma to apply the Theravada Buddhism as the official religion in the country. To know the role of the propagation of the Theravada Buddhism. To analyze why and how the kings and the people paid their respects and supported to their religion. To emphasize the role of Buddhist monks in the history of Burma and their contribution to education and moral values of society. To scrutinize the social background in which Theravada Buddhism influenced and how Theravada Buddhism molds the life of Burmese people in their daily life in economy, agricultural, social, education, administration, economics, culture, architecture, literature, politic in that period. 1.3 Statement of the Problems Desired to know There is a problem in Theravada Buddhism in Myanmar and environmental ethics of Konbaung empire. Despite expressing the historical background of that period by most scholars, there rarely provide how Buddhism arrived in Myanmar and how is related with environmental ethics. This problem has negatively affected the people and country because it is not completed in the historical field. A possible cause of this problem is that they are difficult to collect the data with original language. Perhaps a study which investigates Konbaung reign by a historical method could help resolve the situation. 1.4 Scope of the Research Even though there are a lot of evidences and references for the fact concerning with Theravada Buddhism in Myanmar, it is here limited the field of Buddhism in Konbaung empire from 1752-1885 because of the time limit. Since time frame is limited, the primary data cannot be going to the field. The analyses are made according to the data collected from secondary data in this study. The key findings and suggestions are forecast viewing these data expressed from ancient to modern days. 1.5 Research Hypotheses The Konbaung dynasty contributed significantly for unification of Burma and advancement of its civilization. This study suggests that the domination of the Konbaung dynasty was appreciably facilitated by Buddhism, which cemented the relationship between the rulers and ruled at one level and among Burmese people at another level. The Konbaung family attempted to create Burmese society based upon the strict principles of the Theravada Buddhism. This study is also proposing that Buddhism developed high popularity during the Konbaung dynasty and extended active patronage to Buddhism and monastic system. 1.6 Definition of the Terms Used in the Research The terms of the key words and phrases refer to concepts at the core of one’s study and concepts that must be unmistakable in conducting research with proper care and if the procedures and outcomes are to be properly understood by your reading audience. To illustrate key words of this research are as follows: Theravada Buddhism- it is believed to be the genuine doctrine of the Lord Buddha who has established the foundation of Theravada in Aparihaniyadesana. Konbaung dynastry- it means the period from king Alongphaya to king Thipaw (1752-1885) Environmental ethics – the term is concerned with environment of Myanmar people in their daily life in social, education, administration, economics, culture, architecture, literature, politic at the time of Konbaung Period. 1.7 Review of Related Literature and Research Works By the time we study the history of Myanmar and Buddhism, we found that Chronicles of Burma were written for one or quite a lot of of the following reasons: to inaugurate the fact that Buddhism reached to Burma since the life time of the Buddha. to preserve that the Rulers were the direct descendants of Mahasamata, the great king; to record the father to son heritage of kingship among the Burmese kings; to compile local histories with undisguised effort to attach importance to each locality as it has been founded by either a princely or saintly person; to recollect what meritorious deeds were done by each king who styled himself as the upholder of the religion; to praise the achievement of effective emperors so that the future kings could follow their example. Therefore the chronicle is a traditional way of writings the past of Buddhist countries such as Sri Lanka and Burma and constitute a strong historical tradition. According to the Dipavamsa, King Ashoka, as his great missionary woks, sent Buddhist missions to nine places after third Buddhist council including Suvannabhum and Lankadipa among them. The Mahavamsa illustrates these facts in great detail and the Burmese chronicles also followed suit. Suvannabhumi was recognized as Thaton or Tikekala in Mon State in Burma. King Ramadhipati known as Dhammaceti of Pegu, now Bago in his Kalyani Sima inscription (A.C 1480). It was traced the beginning of Buddhism to Thaton by Venerable Sona and Uttara in 309 B.C. The story verify the arrival of Buddhism in Burma back to the 4th century B.C. We do have some archeology based studies of Buddhism in Burma before or after the Bagan and Early Bagan periods. 1.8 Conceptual Framework Even though the projected study aims to trace the history of the Konbaung period in Burma, the particular focus has been devoted to the religion especially the Theravada Buddhism. The ethics of the Theravada Buddhism deeply influenced the way Burmese people live. The proposed study attempts to trace the process of emergence of the Theravada Buddhism as a dominant mode of religion and a way of life in Burma especially in the Konbaung era. The proposed study is not a narrative of the antiquity and the attempt has been made to explore how the socio-economic and cultural process of Burma intertwined with Buddhism. In other words, this study is an ethno-historical study of religion of Burma. This approach is useful in understanding the factors that condition and mold the life patterns of a community. Venezuela historian, Bereta Perez proposes that history is a complicated domain that touches everyday life of the nation in a critical way and from India, Nicolas Dricks used the framework of ethohistory to construct the political history of South Indian dynasty. By using the similar framework the proposed study attempts to document the evolution of the Theravada Buddhism and its impact upon the Burmese civilization in the past and present. 1.9 Research Methodology The projected study is an attempt to document the history of Burma and Theravada Buddhism in Konbaung period. History is a study of the past events concerned with the development of a particular place. Every nation has its historical background, so Burma, one of the countries in the world had been standing with their own kings in their past for centuries. The original sources written mainly in Burmese language as well as English are applied and historical data have been gleaned as possible as reach to our knowledge. Apart from the original sources other methods such as comparative, historical, textual, inscriptions, archeological excavation, royal orders, reports and scientific have been utilized for the present work and rational thinking has been applied to clarify the facts. Apparently most of the historical sources on the Konbaung empire and Theravada Buddhism in Burma are available in Burmese language. Keeping this limitation into consideration, the proposed study attempts to use verities of historical sources available in Burmese language such court chronicles of the Konbaung empire, books written in Burmese language on Theravada Buddhism, inscriptions, and officials sources of Burmese government such as gazetteers have been used to explore and document the contribution of the Konbaung period for promotion of the Theravada Buddhism and its impact upon the socio-economic, cultural and civilizational process of Burma. 1.10 Advantages Expected to Obtain from the Research It is generally believed that Buddhism flourished in the Konbaung Period. This research is written to determine whether this view is correct using Primary and secondary sources in writing this dissertation. By studying this dissertation, it can be obtained the following advantages as follows; One can realize the situation of the teachings of the Buddha in Myanmar One can understand the way to apply the Theravada Buddhism as the official religion in the country. One can distinguish the role of the first Konbaung Empire and the last dynasty in the history of Burma in the propagation of the Theravada Buddhism. One analyze why and how the kings and the people paid their respects and supported to their religion. One can receive the knowledge on how Theravada Buddhism influenced the life of Myanmar people in their daily life in social, education, administration, economics, culture, architecture, literature, politic at the time of Konbaung Empire. 1.11 Brief chapterisation In my present work is divided in to five chapters as follows: Chapter –I Introduction Chapter-II Life of the Buddha and Brief introduction to Buddhism Chapter-III Historical background of Theravada Buddhism in Myanmar Chapter-IV Theravada Buddhism in Konbaung Period (1752-1885) Chapter-V Environmental ethics of Theravada Buddhism in Konbaung Period Chapter –VI Conclusion Bibliography The first one consists of systematic introduction of the topic, objectives, hypothesis, methodology, context of study, review of literature and mention of sources and conceptual framework of thesis. Chapter two will describe the life of the Buddha and brief introduction to Buddhism which shows the starting place of Buddhism and the ways to liberation from Samsara, the circle of birth and death as well as the key Suttas for Buddhist people. Chapter three will describe the historical context of Theravada Buddhism in Myanmar. With reference to the introduction of Buddhism into Myanmar, the views of the different scholars will be shown. The earliest form of Buddhism that arrived in Myanmar was a pure form of Theravada Buddhism is discussed. It is analyzed that the Myanmars came into contact with Buddhism only after Aniruddhas conquest of Thaton. Moreover, how the aris, who were disparaged in the Myanmar chronicles, did not appear in the early Pagan period, but appeared only in the later Pagan period and how they were powerful even in the post-Pagan periods and how no Myanmar King had ever stamped out the aris are discussed. How some kings were unable to carry through their reforms because they were not accepted by monks and laypersons is also explained. Chapter four deals with how the teachings of the Buddha are practised in Konbaung period (1752-1885) This chapter discusses the summary on the contextual of Kongaung dynasty and restructuring of Kongaung. And then religious activities of Konbaung kings and how Atin ayon problem which was disputed for many years were discussed. How King Badon attempted to push through religious reforms after studying Buddhism himself is also included. Chapter five discuss on the environmental ethics in Konbaung period inconformity with the teachings of the Buddha. It also explained how the teachings of the Buddha influenced Burmese people in their daily life in the field of social, education, administration, economics, culture, architecture, literature, politic and law at the time of Konbaung Empire. In chapter six, it has been drown conclusion regarding my thesis. It will recapitulate the main points of the whole carrier mine. Suggestions and lessons will be shown in it.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Literature Review Performance Management and the Balanced...

Chapter 2 Literature Review Since the Balanced Scorecard was developed in the 1990’s by Robert Kaplan and David Norton (1992), it has gained in popularity amongst academics and practitioners. In 1990, Kaplan and Norton led a research study of a lot of companies with the purpose of exploring the new methods of performance management. The importance of the study was an increasing belief that the financial measures of performance management were not as effective as before with the development of modern business enterprise. Representatives involved in the study companies, including the researchers Kaplan and Norton, were persuaded that the reliance on financial measures of performance had an effect on their ability to create value. After†¦show more content†¦2003). Similar to Speckbacher et al. (2003), this study examines the structure of the BALANCED SCORECARD as a whole. This study is however, unique in that it addresses both the structure and use of the BALANCED SCORECARD. Kaplan amp; Norton (19 92; 1996; 2001), the originators of the balanced scorecard, emphasize that the inclusion of non-financial measures is just one aspect of the balanced scorecard, noting that there are several structural attributes that make it unique from other frameworks, such as KPI (key performance indicator) cards and stakeholder cards. Kaplan amp; Norton (1996, 2001) also suggest that its unique structure allows it to be used as a strategic tool to steer organizations towards sustained long-term profitability. They argue that simply including non-financial metrics in their performance measurement system is not enough for organizations to learn, improve, and grow. If Kaplan and Norton’s argument is correct, then companies with different levels of BALANCED SCORECARD adoption should see different results. This suggests a need to compare organizations that have different levels or numbers of balanced scorecard attributes to see if there are any differences. As well, academic studies may be m ore comparable if a clearly defined Balanced Scorecard was used. A clearly defined BALANCED SCORECARD would enable organizations and researchers to assess the level of BALANCED SCORECARD adoption which may help to explain some of the differences inShow MoreRelatedUsing Balanced Scorecard for Subcontractor Performance Appraisal1493 Words   |  6 PagesUsing Balanced Scorecard for Subcontractor Performance Appraisal S. Thomas NG, Hong Kong, China Key words: Subcontractor performance, performance appraisal, balanced scorecard SUMMARY Several influential industry reports have pointed out that a decline in construction quality and productivity could be attributed to the performance of subcontractors who are entrusted to complete the actual works, yet subcontractor performance appraisal is a much neglected subject in construction. To facilitateRead MoreThe Performance Of The Pioneer Company Essay1622 Words   |  7 PagesThe criteria for measuring the performance of the pioneer company, how the Balanced Scorecard can serve the company by the following process A Balance scorecard is a systematic approach to performance measurement that reflects the strategy of an organization into clear objectives, measures and targets. The Balance Scorecard integrates an appropriate mix of performance measures in the short and long term financial and nonfinancial performance measures used throughout the organization, based on theRead MoreSummary of Balanced Scorecard1465 Words   |  6 PagesUsing the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System Kaplan, Robert S., Norton, David P. Harvard Business Review; Jan/Feb1996, Vol. 74 Issue 1, p75-85, 11p, 3 Diagrams Robert S. Kaplan and David P. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Cloning Of Cows Essay Research Paper Cow free essay sample

Cloning Of Cows Essay, Research Paper Cow Cloning Cloning has been the chief subject in the intelligence recently. Due to the success of sheep cloning with Dolly, scientist have been encouraged to experiment with other species which had led to bring forthing Gene, the first cloned calf. Cloning is the bodily atomic transportation. It has been used for many old ages but until now, cloning has non been found to be able to take a full grow grownup cow and do it hold a calf with the same DNA. This study will inform of the recent surveies of cow cloning. It will state of what s has been in the intelligence recently. This will state what cloning is. Cloning began in the late 80 s when they used a type of cloning that was non ever the perfect result. Dairy husbandmans needed to do milk for less money, so they could do a good net income. Farmers needed the healthiest cattles that gave most milk. Dairy husbandmans would copulate the best in the herd but most of the clip the cattles would non turn out every bit good as the dairy husbandman wanted them to be. Twinning is a sort if cloning where at a really early phase of development ; a cow embryo is pinched in half, which produces indistinguishable twins. Still, these ways of cloning can non be the perfect result excepted. Cloning was to be researched more to happen a manner to assist husbandmans acquire perfect cattles. There are many benefits of cow cloning. This will assist the dairy market all together. Dairy manufacturers could better pull off cattles of the same familial construction through eating and genteelness, since all cattles will react similar to nutrition and the environment. For illustration, In the hereafter, Dairymen could choose cattles that produce milk giving the best mozzarella cheese, and so clone these animate beings so the herd is identified for this intent. Beef manufacturers and their clients will harvest the benefits of cloning. Purebred cow or calf operations can clone a bull will specific desirable traits, register the ringers and so utilize multiple bulls to bring forth seeds with the same familial make-up. Animals with similar or the same familial backgrounds will execute systematically in the feedlot and bring forth meat with desirable nutritionary and eating qualities for specific market and client demands. Overall, this cloning engineering can assist dairy and gripe manufacturers improves the effiency and profitableness of their work. The consumer will profit from a merchandise that is more systematically and be expeditiously produced. Cloning could besides enable research in provender efficiency and other of import economic qualities. Use of cloned animate beings in research eliminates familial incompatibility and focuses the consequences on the factors being tested, diminishing the sum of animate beings needed for research undertaking. In Nara Japan a technique developed by Nipponese research workers promises to simplify the procedure of cloning mammals. Dr. Yoko Kato and co-workers at the Research Institute for Animal Developmental Biotechnology have cloned eight calves from the cells of one grownup cow. The technique developed by the scientists is among the most efficient methods reported to day of the month for bring forthing genetically indistinguishable animate beings. Efficiency is one of two cardinal demands for large-scale cloning of farm animal ; the other is that the ringers be created from an grownup cow. That manner, animate beings that have already proven themselves to be good meat or milk manufacturers can be selected for cloning. The research workers removed the karyon from 10 eggs of a individual cow of Nipponese beef cowss obtained at a abattoir. They so inserted the karyon from 10 grownup cells from another grownup cow into the # 8216 ; empty # 8217 ; eggs. Six karyon were from cumulus cells, which surround the eggs inside ovaries, and four were from epithelial cells run alonging the Fallopian tubes. ( Cumulus cells are peculiarly good campaigners for cloning females because they can be obtained without wounding the animate being. ) The egg cells were so cultured in the research lab until they had developed into blastodermic vessicles, embryos at the earliest phases of development. These blastcysts were implanted into foster cattles, and eight of the embryos completed development and were born. Four of the calves subsequently died, but this was likely due to environmental causes, say the research workers. A study from the Snow Brand Dairy Company in Japan has claimed that scientists have been able to bring forth cloned calves utilizing cells derived from foremilks. The company claims that the process could do it safer for animate beings to donate their cells for cloning, as the extraction of cells from milk does non necessitate doing an scratch in the giver cow, and reduces the hazard of infection. Uniting the karyon of a mammary cell extracted from foremilk with an unfertilised egg and infixing the embryo into the womb of a foster cow seemingly produced the cloned calves. It was the same method used to bring forth the sheep Dolly, the universe # 8217 ; s first cloned mammal. Three cattles were made pregnant through the technique, but merely two succeeded in giving birth. One of the calves was delivered through Caesarean subdivision on April 20 and the other was born the undermentioned twenty-four hours. Scientist have besides been able to do sheep, monkey rat and hog embryos out of cow eggs. We learn more and more about the universe everyday. Cloning is merely one of them. It is astonishing that we could be intelligent to happen one of the enigmas of the universe. Cloning is merely portion of the saber saw mystifier we are calculating out, and we have more to larn about it, and other enigmas of the universe.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Inference Essay free essay sample

We do not have much information about this tribe as the anthropologists had just found out their existence. We only have limited information we received from the anthropologists. The information are based on the environment and climate they live in, the food they eat, their family and children, books and arts and their social aspect and attitudes toward war that the Eneon tribe are live in. According to the report provided by the anthropologists about Eneon, there are three words for â€Å"terrain† designating â€Å"absolutely flat,† †rolling,† and â€Å"slightly hilly†. Therefore they all live in a place that is surrounded by hills. As hills surround them they do not know the existence of the ocean, perhaps they do not explore the land, that why they do not have a word for ocean, but they do have streams as they have several words for precipitation, and most are translated as â€Å"rain†. With this it is possible they are able to grow grains. We will write a custom essay sample on Inference Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Eneon do not have word such as pork, beef, mutton, leather and other meat products, however they do have words for cow, pig and other animals, with this we can assume, there are grasses for those animals to eat. Therefore, there is a possibility that there really is water to grow other agriculture products. They do have dozens of words for grains and including eight words for wheat; from this we can tell that they are eating many types of grains. In other word from this information we assumed that they are either a vegetarian or vegan. From other information we have gathered again Eneon is that, they have some words that are referring to children, there are some especially referring them as â€Å"wise, small one† â€Å"innocent leader† and â€Å"little stargazer†; with these we can assume that Eneon have high expectation for the next generations. They also translated â€Å"sex† as â€Å"to plant a wise one† which is saying that they want to give birth to a wise children. As they also refer that there are several words for leader and all are in plural, perhaps it is connected to what they called the children the â€Å"innocent leader† it seems that they see the children as the future leader and we can further assume that they expect them to support the next generations as they also refer the children as â€Å"little stargazer†. Furthermore, as the Enoen have seven terms to describe the stages of life up to puberty and only one word from puberty to death, with this we can tell that they have many stages once the child is born till the day he or she is eighteen, and maybe only have 1 word for puberty to death, because at this point Eneon do not have anything else to explain; therefore the word woman are synonymous with â€Å"wife and mother† and man for â€Å"husband and father† with this information we can assume the adults will be taking care of all the children, and as they pass the puberty they are unable to gain new knowledge. It also appears that they have twenty words for books, so perhaps they are twenty stages of books they have to use through out their birth to death; therefore they are a very educated tribe. We can assume that Eneon people have very high pride in art. We can infer this because they have nine words for artist. They also seem to have many interests toward theater as well, as they have four words that mean theater. They have a word praise that is translated as â€Å"peacemaker† and â€Å"conciliator†; we assume that they have a person in the tribe that is making sure that there are no fights between each person. Since everyone in the tribe have gone through a high education system, which makes each one of them have their own thoughts and idea that may cause some conflict, therefore the peacemaker will then come in and prevent from such thing to happen. We can then further assume that is the reason why they do not have word for violence and war, as the peacemaker is taking care of such situation to prevent bad situations to happen. With all this information, there is a possibility that, they have experienced a war in the past and that there are many children that are left behind and only very few adults have survived. Therefore, the adults want to protect these children from this violence and war, so they have moved them to area where they will not meet the outside world. That may be the cause of them not having the word ocean. Adults could be calling the children the â€Å"wise, small one† â€Å"innocent leader† and â€Å"little stargazer†, for the meaning of them to be able to create a tribe that does not have any violent conflict and war. Also, as it has been mentioned above they may have a peacemaker to prevent bad situations from happening. There are still many aspects, which  we are unable to discover, but this could be one of the examples as to why they are living their life in this kind of environment. By using the information we have gathered about Eneon, we have predict the area that they are living in, their daily meals, family and children, books and arts and how their social system works and their thoughts about war. With all these information it feels that they are enjoying their life, it may be interesting to live with them for a short time, maybe instead of living for a short time might end up living there permanently.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Oedipus Tragic Hero Essays

Oedipus Tragic Hero Essays Oedipus Tragic Hero Paper Oedipus Tragic Hero Paper Aristotle uses six different points to define a tragic hero. The tragic hero must be of noble stature and have greatness. Though the tragic hero is pre-eminently great, he/she is not perfect. The hero’s downfall is partially his/her own fault, the result of free choice, not of accidental means. The hero’s misfortune is not wholly deserved and the punishment exceeds the crime. The fall is not pure loss. And though it arouses solemn emotion, tragedy does not leave the audience in a state of depression. VCC Lit Online) Using Aristotle’s definition of a tragic hero, we will show that Oedipus in Oedipus the King is in fact a tragic hero and how his decisions led to his downfall. As Aristotle said, the tragic [continues] Read full essay Cite This Essay APA (2012, 10). Oedipus, a Tragic Hero?. StudyMode. com. Retrieved 10, 2012, from studymode. com/essays/Oedipus-A-Tragic-Hero-1160926. html MLA CHICAGO Welcome StudyMode. com is the webs leading learning tool. We inspir e millions of students every day with over 650,000 model essays and papers, AP notes and book notes. Learn More Related essays Oedipus: a Tragic Hero Oedipus: A Tragic HeroOedipus Rex, or Oedipus the King 3 pagesApr 2001 Oedipus: a Tragic Hero Oedipus: A Tragic Hero Aristotles tragic hero is one of 3 pagesMar 2010 Oedipus a Tragic Hero Oedipus A Tragic Hero English 102 Literature and Composition Summer 7 pagesSep 2011 Oedipus The Tragic Hero imperfections, and he is imperfect, despite his honorability. The audience can easily see 6 pagesMay 2012 Oedipus The Tragic Hero say your own. ) The next characteristic that shows Oedipus playing the tragic 4 pagesOct 2008

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Criticizing Kants Argument for Purposeful Reason essays

Criticizing Kants Argument for Purposeful Reason essays In the preface of Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, Immanuel Kant declares that all moral philosophy rests entirely on its pure parts. With this premise, an acknowledgment that he is unconcerned with a teleological approach to morality, Kant tethers the moral philosophy he is about to erect. I will begin by outlining what Kant means when he states that moral philosophy is based in something pure by examining what the concept of purity signifies in terms of morality and why Kant argues on its behalf. From there I will briefly summarize the form of moral philosophy Kant believes will arise from this pure grounding, the categorical imperative. Through a critical examination of the role of reason and the concept of purpose in linking the realm of human experience and the pure metaphysics of morals, I will argue that Kants moral philosophy lacks a motivator for human participation and is subsequently unlikely to be a practical philosophy. For Kant, moral philosophy is a type of rational knowledge. Knowledge can be divided into two general categories: formal philosophy and material philosophy. The former is concerned with universal rules of thought or logic, while the latter pertains to objects and the laws governing them. Material philosophy can be further divided into laws of nature and laws of freedom which are called physics and ethics, respectively. These two branches of material philosophy are subject to a final division. Each may be either empirical, based on experience, or pure, founded entirely on a priori principles. In the case of ethics the empirical branch is called anthropology while the pure is the metaphysics of morals. Kants moral philosophy is based in metaphysics of morals, knowledge of the pure, and a priori laws of freedom that pertain to objects completely unmitigated by empirical concerns. Moral philosophy according to Kant must be based on pure, a priori concepts entir...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Project Management Methodology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Project Management Methodology - Essay Example This is captured significantly in Project Methodology Framework. For this reason, process groups and knowledge areas are essential. This paper seeks to address why project management methodology is a practical way of implementing organizational change. It exposes the reason why organizational change in itself is a project. A part from dealing with the nine project knowledge areas it illuminates the role of process groups in project implementation processes. It also seeks to relate the Project Implementation Methodology to Kotter’s eight-steps in leading change. Project Management Methodology Framework in Implementing Organizational Change Why Organizational Change is viewed as a project Evidently, Project Management Methodology is relevant in implementing organizational change. Organizational change should be viewed as a project and therefore applying project management methodology would be appropriate. The reasons why organizational change qualifies as a project are many. On the whole, often times, the design of the organization doubles up as one of a project’s particular goal. For instance, there may be a need for reducing the number of employees needed, or introduction of new technology or part of a business change procedure. Specifically, numerous issues that relate to the organizational change management are supposed to be dealt with when a project is starting (Richman 2006). This ensures that needed activities become part of plan to pave way for assigning roles and responsibilities. Further, this may mean that issues such as sponsors change and their effectiveness, participatory methods, and change of communication in view of the targets are examined. When changing work culture, project management framework helps to break down the project into logical and more manageable steps. Organizational culture consists of the beliefs, values, and norms that are shared by people within an organization. The process of changing culture can be a costly an d time consuming project that involves implementing many of the processes, groups and bodies of knowledge that project management methodology consist of. Richman (2006) reckons this when he asserts that organizational policies may require change in its formal and informal culture that affects a project. According to him, this could be in quality management which would involve continued project improvement and auditing, or changing employee’s performance evaluation frameworks and dismissal guides. It could also involve streamlining of work reporting time and contract provisions (Richman, 2006) Process Groups and Knowledge Areas in Relation To Kotter’s Leading Change Model Because of the reasons aforementioned, project management methodology is a good tool for implementing an organizational change because it is proven to be a structured and a logical methodology for managing projects. In a way it maps well with John Kotter’s model of Leading Change. Kotter’ s model of eight-stage process, offers a more practical strategy to leading the implementation process of, and not merely managing change. Richman (2006) notes that, essentially, a successful project originates from an effectively planned and executed project management methodology which is ‘‘a system of interrelated phases, procedures, activities and tasks that define the project